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发布时间:2022-03-14 作者: 浏览次数:


新闻网讯 近日,教体学院熊猛副教授领衔的发展与教育心理学课题组在处境不利儿童心理发展与教育领域取得系列研究成果,相关论文分别以“How does relative deprivation influence Chinese migrant adolescents’ life satisfaction? Testing two integrated models of perceived control and two types of belief in a just world” “Relative deprivation and social anxiety among Chinese migrant children: Testing a moderated mediation model of perceived control and belief in a just world” “Relative deprivation and prosocial tendencies in Chinese migrant children: Testing an integrated model of perceived social support and group identity” “Perceived discrimination and relative deprivation in Chinese migrant adolescents: The mediating effect of locus of control and moderating effect of duration since migration”为题在国际心理学领域权威期刊Current Psychology(SSCI Q1区)、Journal of Health Psychology(SSCI Q2区)、Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI Q2区)、Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health(SSCI/SCI Q2区)上发表。


该系列成果第一作者和通讯作者均为熊猛副教授,英国爱丁堡大学Wendy Johnson教授、福建师范大学叶一舵教授、长江大学心理学专业研究生为合作者,长江大学教体学院为第一署名单位。该工作受到全国教育科学规划项目、湖北省社科基金重大项目、湖北省教育厅人文社科项目的支持。(教育与体育学院供稿)

(编辑 李胜杰)

